Agent Lucy Wilde

If you watched Despicable Me 2, you will probably know of this character.

My colleagues just told me, his wife thought of me, the moment when she saw her in the movie. I dunno whether I should be happy or sad since she is  such a crazy siao on, hyperactive, drama mama, happy, bubbly character.



tumblr_mr2o48AJpx1rjx4zfo2_500May your Monday blues be gone! 4 more days to the weekend!

Another Big Step

So yes, today is the day where the both of us will make our relationship legalized:)

I guess once this blog post is out, it would surprise many to know that we are getting ROM-ed this weekend, with just a simple dinner with both our families to witness our solemnization. Both of us decided to make a super low key and quiet affair since it is not our traditional chinese wedding. I only mention it to a couple of friends whom I happened to meet up with and some colleagues.

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Before the event, both of us were busy setting up the location and meeting the Justice of Peace to get our marriage documents in order. Got the documents verified this Thursday and it is quite funny to see the both of us as the most casual dress couple there.

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Until now it is still a little surreal and everyone keeps asking me how do I feel knowing that I will be “married woman”.

Honestly, perhaps it hasnt hit me yet, but I am still pretty relaxed about the whole thing. Even my hair dresser and the lady whom I got my dress from this week, are pretty mortified by my laid-back attitude. My dear friends certainly wanted me to enjoy my last few days of Singlehood, so we headed out to party last night at butter as an unofficial hen”s night. Hehe


Another big step into the future, I am thankful to have this man by my side, hand in hand:)